how to survive the end of the world 2009-10
don't wait 2012 open your eyes the apocalypse is now

The only sure thing is that there is a lot of money to be made from hysteria. (the night of the political zombies, 2010. life size fiberglass and resin sculpture)

He comes from the grave, his body a home of worms and filth. No life in his eyes, no warmth of his skin, no beating of his breast. His soul, as empty and dark as the night sky. He laughs at the blade, spits at the arrow, for they will not harm his flesh. For eternity, he will walk the earth, smelling the sweet blood of the living, feasting upon the bones of the damned. Beware, for he is the living dead. OBSCURE HINDU TEXT, CIRCA 1000 B.C.E (zapata zombie, edition of 7. resin sculpture 37 x 14 x 15 cms )


And see that we must bear the doom of being an after world. (detail)

thats the worst goodbye i have ever heard, and you stole it from a movie. (oil on fiberglass chair)

ARS TERMINUS ORBIS TERRARUM/THE ARTWORKS OF THE END OF THE WORLD. A very ancient book made out of actual human skin containing 666 instructions to do the same number of artworks. The legends says that when the last of all works is done the world will come to an end. As we all know art is only another part of the puzzle. (artist book in progress)

Contortionist Linda R. Hager performed the infamous spider-walk scene on The Exorcist on April 11, 1973. (installation project in progress)