Artista visual y director. Doctor en artes por el Posgrado de Arte y Diseño, FAD, UNAM. Desde 1993 su obra y proyectos curatoriales se han expuesto en México y en el extranjero. Ha representado a México en el 47o Festival Internacional de Cine de Rotterdam, (Holanda, 2018), en la Bienal Internacional de Arte (Bolivia, 2016) en la Bienal de las Américas, (Denver, CO, E.U, 2010) en la Bienal de Praga 4, (República Checa, 2009) en la IX Bienal Internacional de Arte de Cuenca, (Ecuador 2007) en la Primer Bienal de Buenos Aires, (Argentina, 2001) y en la 7a Bienal de la Habana, (Cuba 2001). En 2006 obtuvo la beca para artistas emergentes de La Fundación CIFO Cisneros Fontanals, Miami, EU.
Su trabajo se encuentra representado en importantes colecciones públicas y privadas.
Actualmente es becario del Sistema Nacional de Creadores de Arte, CONACULTA, FONCA, México.
Como curador ha organizado exhibiciones y programas de video arte para: Museo Universitario de Ciencias y Artes, UNAM, (México, DF) Centro de las Artes, (Monterrey, N.L.) Suite 106 Gallery, Bronx River Art Center, (Nueva York, EU), Centre de Recherche sur la image et ses contextes (Suiza), VAE10 Festival Internacional de Video /Arte/Electrónica, (Lima, Perú) y Jawaharlal Nehru University (New Delhi, India). Es fundador de ObjectNotFound.org una organización independiente cuya misión es promover el conocimiento de la cultura contemporánea, con base en Monterrey, Nuevo León, México. Desde el 2013 se ha dedicado a la producción y dirección de cine.
Visual artist and director. Doctor of Arts from FAD, UNAM. Since 1993 his work and curatorial projects have been exhibited in Mexico and abroad. He has represented Mexico at the 47th Rotterdam International Film Festival, (Holland, 2018), at the International Biennial of Art (Bolivia, 2016) at the Biennial of the Americas, (Denver, CO, EU, 2010) at the Biennial of Prague 4, (Czech Republic, 2009) in the IX International Biennial of Art of Cuenca, (Ecuador 2007) in the First Biennial of Buenos Aires, (Argentina, 2001) and in the 7th Biennial of Havana, (Cuba 2001) . In 2006 he obtained the grant for emerging artists from CIFO Foundation Cisneros Fontanals, Miami, EU.
His work is represented in important public and private collections.
He is currently a fellow of the National System of Art Creators, CONACULTA, FONCA, Mexico.
As curator he has organized exhibitions and video art programs for: University Museum of Science and Arts, UNAM, (Mexico, DF) Centro de las Artes, (Monterrey, NL) Suite 106 Gallery , Bronx River Art Center, (New York, EU ), Center de Recherche sur la image et ses contextes (Switzerland), VAE10 International Video / Art / Electronics Festival, (Lima, Peru) and Jawaharlal Nehru University (New Delhi, India). He is the founder of ObjectNotFound.org, an independent organization whose mission is to promote knowledge of contemporary culture, based in Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico. Since 2013 he has been dedicated to film production and direction.
Su trabajo se encuentra representado en importantes colecciones públicas y privadas.
Actualmente es becario del Sistema Nacional de Creadores de Arte, CONACULTA, FONCA, México.
Como curador ha organizado exhibiciones y programas de video arte para: Museo Universitario de Ciencias y Artes, UNAM, (México, DF) Centro de las Artes, (Monterrey, N.L.) Suite 106 Gallery, Bronx River Art Center, (Nueva York, EU), Centre de Recherche sur la image et ses contextes (Suiza), VAE10 Festival Internacional de Video /Arte/Electrónica, (Lima, Perú) y Jawaharlal Nehru University (New Delhi, India). Es fundador de ObjectNotFound.org una organización independiente cuya misión es promover el conocimiento de la cultura contemporánea, con base en Monterrey, Nuevo León, México. Desde el 2013 se ha dedicado a la producción y dirección de cine.
Visual artist and director. Doctor of Arts from FAD, UNAM. Since 1993 his work and curatorial projects have been exhibited in Mexico and abroad. He has represented Mexico at the 47th Rotterdam International Film Festival, (Holland, 2018), at the International Biennial of Art (Bolivia, 2016) at the Biennial of the Americas, (Denver, CO, EU, 2010) at the Biennial of Prague 4, (Czech Republic, 2009) in the IX International Biennial of Art of Cuenca, (Ecuador 2007) in the First Biennial of Buenos Aires, (Argentina, 2001) and in the 7th Biennial of Havana, (Cuba 2001) . In 2006 he obtained the grant for emerging artists from CIFO Foundation Cisneros Fontanals, Miami, EU.
His work is represented in important public and private collections.
He is currently a fellow of the National System of Art Creators, CONACULTA, FONCA, Mexico.
As curator he has organized exhibitions and video art programs for: University Museum of Science and Arts, UNAM, (Mexico, DF) Centro de las Artes, (Monterrey, NL) Suite 106 Gallery , Bronx River Art Center, (New York, EU ), Center de Recherche sur la image et ses contextes (Switzerland), VAE10 International Video / Art / Electronics Festival, (Lima, Peru) and Jawaharlal Nehru University (New Delhi, India). He is the founder of ObjectNotFound.org, an independent organization whose mission is to promote knowledge of contemporary culture, based in Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico. Since 2013 he has been dedicated to film production and direction.